
MSRP | $31,750 |
Quirk Kia of Manchester makes every effort to present information that is accurate. However, Quirk Kia of Manchester is not responsible for any errors or omissions. Picture may not represent actual vehicle. 0 cash down offers require only fees due at signing: KMF lease acq. fee, dealer doc fee, tags and taxes if applicable. Total due at signing $1106 plus first payment. All pricing and payments include all available incentives including Military Appreciation, Quirk Trade In Assistance, Kia Owner Loyalty, Kia Motor Company Rebates, Kia Motor Finance Rebates, and Quirk Discounts. Pricing based off of same MSRP units and Tier 1 Lease rates, 720 FICO score with approved credit with KMF and 10K miles per year. Not all buyers will Qualify. 0% financing, in lieu of certain rebates, requires approved credit with KMF, and cannot be combined with advertised pricing. $16.66 per every $1000 borrowed. Various offers can not be combined. All New Kia pricing includes an Owner Loyalty Rebate (current registered owners of a Kia), which buyers must qualify for. Residency restrictions apply. All online pricing, both new and pre-owned units, includes a $1,000 trade-in assistance incentive. Must trade a 2012 or newer vehicle to qualify for Trade Assistance Incentive. Tax (where applicable), title, registration, and doc. fees are not included in vehicle prices. Dealer installed options are additional. Documentation fee of $399 is not included in the price of a vehicle. Terms and conditions. **With approved credit. Terms may vary. Monthly financing payments are only estimates derived from the vehicle price with a 72-month term 3.9% interest and 30% down payment. Please verify any information in question with Quirk Kia of Manchester by calling us at 877-721-9630 or by visiting us. *Number of views in last 30 days Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. **With approved credit. Terms may vary. Monthly financing payments are only estimates derived from the vehicle price with a 72-month term 3.9% interest and 30% down payment. Please verify any information in question with Quirk Kia of Manchester by calling us at (603) 505-8870 or by visiting us. *Number of views in last 30 days Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. Stock#KS4771. Sale Ends 02-02-2020.